Monday, 1 April 2013

Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images

Henna Tatto Designs Biography

Henna tattoo design and body art kit. Decorate your body with a beautiful henna design with our unique henna body art kit. Our henna body art kit includes dye and stencils for henna tattoo design.
Henna tattoo. Mehndi. Henna body art. Henna tattoo designs. Henna designs. Body art. Henna body painting. Henna art. Black Henna Tattoos. Mehndi body art. Body painting.
The art of henna body painting. No matter what you call it, whatever you need to know about this beautiful body art form, you can find it here at HENNAINFO.COM. It's called Mehndi in India; henna in Morocco (just add an exotic accent!)… And that's just the beginning of a wide array of henna tattoo facts, anecdotes, tips, advice and body painting data available to you at HENNAINFO.COM, your resource into the body art world of henna tattoos and henna products. Henna products are easy enough to find when you search the web. Just enter henna tattoos, body art, henna design, henna tattoo design, henna art, henna body art, henna body painting or even henna kit or henna tattoo kit, and you'll be surprised at the variety of Mehndi or henna products, including dangerous black henna products you will find. But not all henna products are equal!

When searching for henna products, quality is what counts if you want the rich, reddish brown color that you get from henna body painting, henna art, henna designs, henna body art or henna tattoos. Henna kits are also prevalent on the market, but not all henna kits are created equal either. Henna tattoo kits must be easy to use and come with everything needed to create beautiful henna body art, henna art and henna tattoo designs. And buyers beware of all black henna products, which contain a toxic agent known as PPD. Some henna tattoo kits come with this dangerous additive. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Welcome to HENNAINFO.COM!

When it comes to henna tattoos, a picture truly is worth a thousand words. Big or small, simple or elaborate, mystical or whimsical, subtle or in-your-face, a henna tattoo is generally meant to be seen. It is a form of living art, a means of self-expression that draws attention to itself, that demands appreciation.
The images in our gallery areas represent just a small sampling of what is possible with planning, creativity — and some henna paste. As you will see, the art of mehndi isn't just for the young and the hip, socialites and celebrities. People of every age and from every walk of life have used and enjoyed our Earth Henna body painting kits: men and women, parents and children, college kids and business people, liberals and conservatives, the shy and the uninhibited, techno-geeks and ministers' wives.

Why is mehndi so universally popular? Well, it's fun, for one thing. (Safe and harmless fun, we might add, backed by 5,000 years' worth of tradition!) Part of the fun is that it is so personal, and yet public at the same time. And yes, when you apply a henna tattoo, you are making a statement. But it's your statement. So use the photographs and designs you see here to instruct you in the art, to spark ideas, and to give inspiration.
And then let your imagination run wild!
henna kit
The reason the art of mehndi body painting is so popular in the West today is because there's true magic in it: loving, positive, enriching magic.
tattooed arm     tattooed head
moroccan landscape
Facility with language is highly valued in Somali society; the capability of a suitor, a warrior, or a political or religious leader is judged in part by his verbal adroitness. In such a society, oral poetry becomes an art, and one's ability to compose verse in one or more of its several forms enhances one's status. Speakers in political or religious assemblies and litigants in courts traditionally were expected to use poetry or poetic proverbs. Even everyday talk tended to have a terse, vivid, poetic style, characterized by carefully chosen words, condensed meaning, and alliteration.

In the prerevolutionary era, English became dominant in the school system and in government. However, the overarching issue was the development of a socioeconomic stratum based on mastery of a foreign language. The relatively small proportion of Somalis (less than 10 percent) with a grasp of such a language—preferably English--had access to government positions and the few managerial or technical jobs in modern private enterprises. Such persons became increasingly isolated from their nonliterate Somali-speaking brethren, but because the secondary schools and most government posts were in urban areas the socioeconomic and linguistic distinction was in large part a rural-urban one.
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images
Henna Tatto Designs Henna Tattoo Indian Arabic Design Pictures Pics Images